[alto] Need slides for the following items ...
Vijay K. Gurbani
2018-07-16 02:21:14 UTC
Folks, I do not have slides for the following items. If you have sent
them to me previously, please resend them.

- ALTO CDNI, Shawn Lin
- ALTO path vector, Dawn Chen
- ALTO unified properties, Sabine Randriamasy
- ALTO survey, Dawn Chen or Shawn Lin

Since it is Sunday late night Montreal time, you may want to send them
to me as soon as you can. Our session starts at 9:30am local time Mon.


- vijay
Vijay K. Gurbani / ***@nokia.com
Network Data Science, Nokia Networks
Calendar: http://goo.gl/x3Ogq
Shawn Lin
2018-07-16 02:30:34 UTC
Hi Vijay,

Sorry for the inconvenience. I just landed in Montreal. I will send you
slides of ALTO CDNI and ALTO survey with 15 mins. Thanks!

Shawn Lin
Post by Vijay K. Gurbani
Folks, I do not have slides for the following items. If you have sent
them to me previously, please resend them.
- ALTO CDNI, Shawn Lin
- ALTO path vector, Dawn Chen
- ALTO unified properties, Sabine Randriamasy
- ALTO survey, Dawn Chen or Shawn Lin
Since it is Sunday late night Montreal time, you may want to send them
to me as soon as you can. Our session starts at 9:30am local time Mon.
- vijay
Network Data Science, Nokia Networks
Calendar: http://goo.gl/x3Ogq
alto mailing list
Shawn Lin
2018-07-16 02:40:54 UTC
Hi Vijay,

The attachments are slides for ATLO CDNI and ALTO Survey. Please check
them. Thank you so much!

Shawn Lin
Post by Shawn Lin
Hi Vijay,
Sorry for the inconvenience. I just landed in Montreal. I will send you
slides of ALTO CDNI and ALTO survey with 15 mins. Thanks!
Shawn Lin
Post by Vijay K. Gurbani
Folks, I do not have slides for the following items. If you have sent
them to me previously, please resend them.
- ALTO CDNI, Shawn Lin
- ALTO path vector, Dawn Chen
- ALTO unified properties, Sabine Randriamasy
- ALTO survey, Dawn Chen or Shawn Lin
Since it is Sunday late night Montreal time, you may want to send them
to me as soon as you can. Our session starts at 9:30am local time Mon.
- vijay
Network Data Science, Nokia Networks
Calendar: http://goo.gl/x3Ogq
alto mailing list